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About Us

Airborne Worldwide, started in 2004 is one of the most important and most respected Express Courier Services Companies operating in India. It offers complete Logistics and Courier Services, to large and little Corporates across various industries and business segments in India and abroad.

About Us – Airborne Worldwide provides the fastest door-to-door delivery of shipments anywhere within the world. With our quality service, unique multi-product offering, cost-effective pricing and customer-centric approach it’s the foremost preferred Express Courier Services Companies in India for corporate large and little, for domestic or international services.

About Us

Why Airborne Worldwide For International Courier?

Search Courier Rates

The rates on the web site are all-inclusive. Everything is disclosed and declared upfront.

Experts Documentation

Airborne's Expert Documentation Team will assist you altogether related Queries associated with documentation.

Save Money on Every Shipment

Being in the Delivery business for over 20 years, we've the simplest Rates within the Industry.

Over 20,000 Happy Customers

Our Commitments and Fair Dealing Process has helped us reach thus far .

Airborne Worldwide

Airborne Worldwide is related to major international courier companies like DHL, UPS which ensures that its customers get the simplest discounted rates and fastest Express services worldwide. we’ve extensive network across and offer special discounted rates for U.S.A., U.K, Canada, Singapore, Dubai, China, Hong Kong, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Australia, Saudi Arabia , Japan, Kenya, all European and Gulf countries.

Customer-centric approach is that the basis of our business and is of utmost importance at Airborne Worldwide. Our 24 hours Customer Service Cells manned by highly co-operative and motivated personnel offer prompt support, solutions and feedback to your queries. they provide right professional guidance and knowledge about shipment acceptance criteria that help in averting any snags afterward . in the least major locations, our fleet of vehicles for intra-city pick-ups and deliveries offer you enhanced speed and safety. you’ll also get information about the present status of your shipment online in order that you’ll keep an eye fixed on your valuable shipment 24×7 till it’s delivered safely.

Airborne Worldwide is acknowledged and appreciated by our esteemed clients for its international standard professionalism and quality of service. Headed by highly qualified and experienced professionals having immense knowledge, understanding and reputation, Airborne Worldwide has managed to determine an in depth network of overseas agents across destinations worldwide. Our superior internal control mechanism enables us to deliver door-to-door, a good array of products in excellent condition within the hands of our valued customers on time, whenever winning us accolades from our customers.

Airborne Worldwide provides time-bound and complete Logistics and Courier services world-wide using our reputed overseas associates at prime gateways like U.S.A, U.K., Canada, Singapore, Dubai, China, Hong Kong, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Australia, Saudi Arabia , Japan, Kenya, all European and Gulf countries. Our strategic alliances with major global courier companies like DHL, UPS etc. ensures reliable and timely delivery of your International Documents and Packages.Our operational expertise and knowledge ensures our clients that each one aspects of shipment are going to be handled properly from origin to final delivery.

Airborne Worldwide also has an in depth Domestic network spread across everywhere India.

Airborne Worldwide has emerged as a pacesetter within the Cargo and Courier services because of its dynamic team of highly qualified and well-experienced professionals within the field of Courier, Air Freight forwarding and cargo consolidation, Commercial, Finance, Operations, and Human resources. Also due to the support of their reputed alliances and associates worldwide, Airborne Worldwide can provide globally standardized, innovative, high-quality yet cost-effective solutions. Besides we are focused on innovation as new technology plays a crucial part in improving operations; providing excellent project implementation and management; and maximizes value to customers.

To be the simplest , most admired and successful Express Distribution Company in India by exceeding customer expectations all the time.

To exceed customers’ expectations whenever by delivering value to customers with the foremost reliable and efficient solutions in Express Services.

Build long-term business relations with customers by giving Competitively Superior Value Proposition.

Being the foremost preferred choice of consumers , Employees, and other Business Partners thanks to our ethical conduct of business.

Our Association

Airborne Worldwide Is Associated With Major International Courier Companies Like DHL, UPS, Aramex, etc.

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